Sunday, October 25, 2009

Information on Nurtition and snacks prior to working out.

I found this site that has some good information about what you need to eat and why it is important. It also gives good ideas for snacks prior to working out or they can be eaten after the work out. Remember it is very important after the work out to consume protein to help start the rebuild of the muscles. Click here for more information!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Weight training Program by Randy Couture!!!!!

Make sure you start off with the weights light or you could definitely hurt yourself pretty easy. Think of it as you are training for a three round fight and for each round it will be two cycles with a 30 sec break and this would be the same as fighting a complete round with a break in the middle. Then you will take a one minute break between each rep, which is two cycles, just like in the UFC fights. When you are able to complete the cycle and you think it's time to up the weight, it's not, now you have the title fight and you need to go five rounds.

I think this would be a very interesting and difficult routine and with the cycles short it would be easy to fit into your day. Each cycle is about two minutes long so the total time for each round or rep would be about five minutes. If you are unable to complete the work out for all three rounds it is not a big deal you will eventually work your way up to five and by seeing your progress this will keep most people motivated.

I would suggest this routine for Monday, Wednesday and Friday and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday these will be cardio days. You can run, hit a heavy bag and speed bag, do Kempo or any other type of cardio work out but it needs to be for no less than 30 minutes. It would also be beneficial to switch these up and have two to three different cardio routines so you can work different areas of the body. If it is at all possible swimming would be a great exercise because when you swim you are using every muscle in your body.

I will be starting this routine on January 5, 2010 and challenge anyone else to start with me. I will post progress on the blog and would like anyone that joins to comment with their daily report also to help keep everyone motivated and dedicated to training. If any one has any comments or suggestions please post.

Don't forget to take you measurements before we begin so you will be able to monitor your progress. Good luck and great work outs!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Weight Loss and Supplements!!!

There are thousands of weight loss products out there but the one that is really standing out is the Acai Berry products. Acai Berry is said to be te healthiest fruit in the world due to the amount of antioxidants and good nutrients for your health.

There is controvery about why buy these products online rather than a store. The major stores have to extend the shelf life so they will have the time to move all the product. This means adding additional ingredients and perservatives for the product to retain its color or texture are not in the online stores products. These additional perservatives do not benefit your health and can actually make these products harmful to your health.

There has also been studies proformed that show that, in conjunction with weight training and diet, you will be healthier and loose weight fast using colon clensers. These colon cleansing products remove harmful toxins from your colon to promote a healthier colon and healthier body.

I hope this inforation is helpful for your training or healthier living.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Nutritional Knowledge for Begginers.

Nutrition is just as important as lifting weights or exercising. Metabolism is different for every person but for most people the resting metabolism is around 1100 calories a day. This is just the calories it takes for your body to live, think of these as your life-support calories.

You will expend more calories as you become active. This could be walking down the street or up and down a flight of stairs. Of course you will burn more on the stairs. This means that you will need more calories for your everyday activities or work. Now if you are a couch potato then you probably will not need much more than the 1100 calories a day to survive. Let's say you consume 1800 calories a day this will leave 700 calories for extra activities. Now if you are a couch potato these calories will turn to stored fat. If you are active you will burn these calories and when they have all been depleted your body will turn to the stored fat for energy.

After training your muscles are broken down and your body is in a negative protein balance. Without a proper balance of protein even though you are lifting you will find that your body was actually losing muscle. Think of muscle growth as a brick wall so if you add four bricks, protein synthesis, but your neighbor removes six, protein breakdown, you have a smaller wall at the end of the day. But if you add six bricks and your neighbor removes takes down only four, you have a bigger wall. Muscle building is a constant battle between building up and tearing down.

That's how muscle growth takes place but if you shift that protein balance from negative to positive. Fat and carbohydrates play important roles in this process as well but protein is the macronutrient that basically supports muscle growth.

For the female readers, here are a few words of wisdom to you. By increasing your protein intake with exercise you will not turn into the Incredible Hulk. Women don't gain muscle as readily as men do and eating more protein will not automatically increase their muscle growth. The main difference between men and women is the T-factor, known as testosterone. Look at all the female dancers and how amazing, strong and beautiful they are and they work out harder than most body builders but they are not bulked up.

You should eat at least six to seven times a day keeping the meals small. You should have three meals and two snacks a day eating about every two and a half to three hours. This will keep the nutrients that your body needs and keeping your metabolism elevated. By eating more frequently if you add up the total caloric intake for both diets you will probably be surprised to find that you are actually in taking less calorie with more snacks and meals because you will not fill like you are hungry.

I have listed several Good and Bad sources of protein below to help you with your diet:

The Good Stuff / The Bad Stuff
1. Seafood / 1. Bacon
2. Beans / 2. Sausage
3. Turkey Breast / 3. Bratwurst
4. Chicken Breast / 4. Pepperoni
5. Ostrich / 5. Prime Rib
6. Beef (100% grass feed) / 6. Fried Fish
7. Eggs / 7. Salami

Monday, October 12, 2009

Better gains through supersets!

Supersetting is doing one lift or exercise immediately followed by another. After completing one superset you will take a brief rest and then start the second set. Supersetting allow you to complete the work out faster and break the muscle down quicker, by breaking down the muscle and building it back up through diet you become stronger and bigger.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Things to remember when working out!

Technique is the most important thing when working out. It does not matter how much weight you lift if you are not using good technique. The rule is two seconds for the negative and one second for the positive movement, squeezing the muscle at the top of the positive movement.

The Negative movement is the non-resistance stage of the lift and the Positive movement is the resistance stage. Controlled Negative movements are critical in strength building along with a controlled lift for safety. If you can not perform the minimum number of reps using good form and technique you need to lower the weight. If you're muscles are not tired after doing the maximum number of reps using good technique then you need to increase the weight.

By tiring the muscle out you actually form small tears in the muscle which heal during the recovery stage of the work out. Protein helps repair the tears and cause the muscle to strengthen and grow larger. This is why a good diet when working out is critical for the repair of muscle tissue.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How to choose a work out regiment!!!

There are many different work out routines that you have to choose from. If you are training for a marathon you would want to do a lot of running for the aerobic work out and of course if you where training for the Olympic power lifting teams you would want to lift lots of weights. The thing to remember is that with both goals both types of training are necessary.

If you are a runner yes you would want to run but it would also be beneficial for you to lift weights to strengthen the muscles to reduce the energy it took to run. The same can be said for the power lifter. If he was to run, maybe not five miles a day or anything, this would strengthen his heart and allow more blood to flow thru his body giving him more endurance during his training.

Which ever way you train just remember there are five types of training and each have their place and are important.

How to find a good work out if you are just starting?

The key to finding a good work out if you are just starting or getting back into shape is to do some thing you enjoy. It is always easier to have a work out partner so I would suggest that you use a taped system that can be done in the home anytime of the day. If you do have a partner then the gym would not be a bad place you just need to make sure that you push each other to go. The first two to three weeks will be the worst but it will get better. Just remember the soreness will go away. Have a good work out!!!!!